Applying to college, filling out scholarship applications, and making important decisions are all stressful processes. As the May 1 deadline for students to declare to college approaches, seniors across the country have many difficult decisions ahead of them.
At the beginning of senior year, students are told a lot of things that can be hard to take in all at once: continue to take difficult classes, take the SATs more than once, apply to as many schools as you can, and manage your time wisely.
Sometimes it’s hard to take this advice because we think we have it all together, or we take the advice too seriously and spend more time stressing over the future rather than embracing the now of what is left of high school. “I wish I spent less time stressing out and more time enjoying my senior year,” said senior Arialle Weinstien.
Still, students are often told what to do when it comes to applying to college, but the other stuff, like what to do if you’re deferred from your dream school or how to make the overall decision in the end, is often left unsaid.
“It’s okay to be scared and to not know what’s next, but at least set a goal for yourself to achieve,” said senior Kristina Georgadarellis. “Senior year is exhausting, exciting, hilarious, and bittersweet. This year was definitely a trial on my self confidence, but it has also convinced me to believe in myself.”
“It’s important to know during the college process to evaluate and weigh all options,” said senior Austin Williams. “It’s especially important to have a back up plan as well.”
Do not be afraid to apply to a dream school, but it’s important to have other options at hand as well. Getting rejected from a school is disappointing, but your success doesn’t depend on what college you attend. Your success depends on the choices you make to better yourself, others, and the world around you.
“Things won’t go as you planned and it’s a grueling process with tons of stress and on occasion, disappointment,” said Williams. “It is imperative to keep faith and not to be discouraged because in the end everything works itself out for the better.”
Sometimes, even after being accepted to the top school of your choice, the decision will come down to the amount of financial aid one receives rather than which school one likes the best.
“As un-fun and dreadful as it is, capitalize on every opportunity you have to get money for college even if it means writing a whole bunch of scholarship essays,” said senior Alicia Tavares. “College is expensive and most kids from middle class families don’t qualify for much financial aid.”
As for extra curriculars, never let the fact that your senior year is your last year in high school keep you from trying something new. It’s okay not to play a sport you may normally play and get involved with indoor percussion instead. It’s great to audition for the school musical for the first time, and it’s great to try out for a sport you never played for.
“Don’t be afraid to stop doing the things you love, to try something new that could end up as your passion,” said senior Nick Chaves. High school and college are all about opportunities so it is very important not to limit yourself.
“It’s better to show colleges that you’re focused and have a drive rather than just throw a bunch of activities and honors at them,” said Georgadarellis. “They want to see someone with a vision, someone who is chasing their future, instead of letting it rush past them.”
In the end, enjoy your time in high school while it lasts. Prepare for your future wisely by making the right decisions, but don’t forget to embrace the present.
“Realize that these four years are very critical for our future success, but we should have fun doing it,” said senior Ally Paiva. “There is never a need to worry. These are the best days of our lives.”