Sam Rush
There are nearly 50 books to choose from in the 2022 Summer Reading list.
Click Here to See the 2022 Summer Reading List
It is almost summer, and as the end of the school year hangs over the heads of the student body, so does its educational counterpart, summer reading (1). Although summer reading is seen as a drag to summer plans for many, the right choice can make all the difference. With 50 options, the choice can be difficult. It may be tempting to simply choose a book with the least amount of pages; however, the contents of the book make a great difference.
One student said, “Summer reading – we shouldn’t have to do it. We’re not in school.” This is a sentiment shared by others in the student body. That mindset is common, but with so many choices this year especially, perhaps there could be a bit of enjoyment found. This year, to make the books even more tailored to students, 15 books are student-sponsored, in addition to 40 teacher-sponsored books.
“I’m really excited. People outside who pick [the book], I hope I can become friends with them,” said one student sponsor. Sharing a love of a book can start the school year strong with new connections. Especially for freshmen, gaining connections to a wider school community can be widely beneficial. In fact that’s what summer reading is partially about, setting up students with new connections, and new opportunities.
One of the new opportunities is having summer reading validated, or Blue-hecked. All a student would have to do to start the year off with extra credit in English would be to take a 10-question quiz on the book, and score above an 80 percent. This, of course, is optional.
Books such as The Secret History (2) by Donna Tartt sponsored by Brontë Massucco and me, has the capacity for up to 60 people, and according to DHS English Department Lead Teacher Will Higgins, availability for books is widely flexible so students who want to read a book, (mostly) can.
The summer reading program also works to serve students by offering genres such as true crime and graphic novels to reach a wider variety of students. The main goal is for students to find a book they enjoy enough to be able to discuss it with like-minded individuals at the start of the next year.
Even paying for a book is largely optional, as the library app Sails Mobile is available to anyone with a library card to search for books within an array of libraries in Massachusetts (3). Just by placing a hold under your library card, you can have the book shipped to your nearest local library within a couple weeks or days depending on where the book is located.
In truth I greatly disliked summer reading as many did, just last year, but as I got encapsulated in Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin, last year’s summer reading choice, I realized the benefits of reading. Reading consistently can be foundational to writing sophisticated essays. Reading a book can be done anywhere, not just within WiFi range, as many things these days can’t. All it takes is one great book to set the stage for an appreciation for reading that lasts beyond the summer.
Summer reading forms open Tuesday, May 31, at 9:00 am, about a week and a half from now. I advise not just picking randomly during that PASE and start researching now. Summaries are available on the summer reading PDF, and many times popular books can be found on Booktok (4), which helps gain a new perspective before reading.
End Notes
A collective groan of exasperation from the student body
Amazing book, highly recommend if you have interest in mystery, Greek parties, and murder.
Which means that any book on that list can most likely be found there.
The literature side of Tiktok