MOST PEOPLE DRESS for the weather outside their window or what the forecast predicts for the day. Here at Dartmouth High, it seems that students have to dress more for the temperatures at school rather than the conditions outdoors.
Unusual temperatures are not a rare occurrence here. Mostly everyone is used to the school being way too hot in the early fall and late spring, and a little bit too cool in the winter. As uncomfortable as that is, at least the temperatures in the past were consistent school wide, with the exception of the air conditioned auditorium, labs, and offices. However, as of late, the temperatures seem to be even more unusual and inconsistent. Walk into one room, and even with multiple layers, students still freeze. Go into a room down the hall, and it’s the complete opposite, with students feeling like they’re in a sauna. This is the apparent norm at DHS at the moment: drastic temperature changes from room to room.
Now, some people do not mind the temperature differences, actually finding the climate here to be rather comfortable no matter where they are in the building. However, many students would disagree.
One junior said, “No matter what room I’m in, it’s always either too hot or too cold,” which seems to be the common complaint among students.
The students aren’t the only ones feeling annoyed by these temperature changes. The staff, including Dean Martin, who is in charge of facilities is also feeling quite frustrated. The temperature differences are a known problem that the maintenance department is working hard to correct.
As a result, an outside firm was hired to address the problem, but they have to prioritize their jobs. Mr. Martin noted how the firm was “pulled away for more pressing issues [such as schools without any heat] which is why this has taken so long.”
Another problem lies in the fact that as it turns out, there isn’t just one thing wrong with the heating system. Mr. Martin said, “Each room is unique, and they are finding that something different is wrong in every room.” Because of this setback, it’s difficult to pinpoint an exact problem, hence some of the frustration.
C-floor is said to be the worst, with constant changes between rooms being warm or cool. However, others would beg to differ. A-floor could easily challenge C-floor in terms of temperature difference. Quite a few of the classes on the bottom floor have reported temperatures between 50 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The computer labs are also reported to be “substantially colder than most other rooms,” by a junior CAD student.
Oddly enough, freshman Lyah Esplana said that the lab in A24 “was always weirdly humid and warmer than other classes” which is a stark contrast to what other people have found.
None of these rooms compares to the A floor dark room where the temperature reached a startling 92 degrees. As hard as that is to believe, the thermometer on the wall does not lie.
Morgan Bozarth, the darkroom and art teacher, found that the hot temperatures took a toll not just on her, but on her students as well. The extreme heat, reminiscent of a hot summer’s day, often leaves anyone who enters the darkroom feeling drained and fatigued. Dehydration is also an issue, as well as overheating.
Ms. Bozarth noted how “students continue to work hard despite the heat. However, they do spend more time cooling off in the hallway and taking walks to the bubbler.”
The darkroom isn’t the only place where the various temperatures affect students’ work. The fitness room is often hot and stuffy, making exercise more strenuous on students’ breathing.
Students are seen in class with winter jackets, scarves, and blankets to keep warm, but that does not always do the trick. One student said, “I can’t do my work with my hands in my pockets where they would be warm.”
Junior Malia Cafasso said she had to wear a winter jacket and could not sit still and focus for long periods of time.
While many students try to just ignore the temperature differences, they often end up annoyed, especially since they have to continuously adjust to the ever-changing temps.
This problem was most prominent right after the Holiday Break, most likely because the heat was not in use that week, though the temperature has begun to regulate itself over the past few weeks.