Romanticizing the Winter Season

Mackenzie Boucher

Baking can be…wait…doesn’t that elf get hot back there?!

The first snow took particularly long to fall this year, and consequently the general consensus around winter and the holiday season is just a tiring wait until break. With no snow, it feels like we skipped the holly jolly winter and went straight to the depression part. Although personally winter has always been my favorite season, and cold is never cold enough, I can see the damper this spiritless cold has on family and friends. So here are some things you can do with or without snow to make the most of the “Jack Frost nipping at your nose” season.

1. Winter Fashion

If not the best part, definitely one of the most underrated highlights, winter fashion can be a sure fire way to embrace winter. Monochrome white outfits to feel snowy, chunky sweaters to be swallowed by warmth, and big coats are the timeless staples of the season. The color scheme for the season is red, cool blues, muted pinks, soft purples, whites, creams, and greens, not so much yellows, oranges, and brighter pinks. Leg warmers, colorful and opaque tights, and scarfs are limited time accessories reserved for cold weather fashion. However, waking up in the dark and cold, the go-to outfit is always a sweater and jeans, with or without an extra-layer turtleneck.

2. Winter Runs

Running in winter is simply the best; the air in your lungs burns like a personal fire, the cold on your cheeks is refreshing compared to summer humidity. It’s a sensation that is cold and hot all at once, and unique to winter. Classical music (1) is my recommendation for winter runs, along with post-run hot showers. Another bonus of winter runs: keeping wireless earbuds in is much easier with winter ear warmers that hold them in place.

3. Ice Skating

Ice skating has the exercise, the outfits, and the feeling of gliding that goes unmatched by any other sport. Although I haven’t personally been in a while, the memory of learning how to fly on ice is vivid and synonymous with winter for me. The next sport on the DHS winter line up has to be figure skating. Ice skating is something so quintessentially winter, athletic, and elegant all at once. 

4. Classic Russian Literature

Nothing says winter quite like Dostevosky and an extra big cup of hot coffee (2) well into the hours of the night. My top picks are Crime & Punishment (3) and Notes From the Underground by Fyodor Dostovesky , and Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. Off-putting and often depressing Russian literature is a nice juxtaposition to an often aggressively capitalistic Christmas, and makes the real holiday joys more appreciated in my experience. 

5. Baking, Baking, Baking

The most delicious way by far to keep the house warm is baking desserts. My go to recipes are chocolate chip scones, chocolate chip cookies, gingerbread cookies, cinnamon bread, and blueberry muffins. Sifting flour is a beautiful way to have snow in your own home, and the act of making something delicious with friends or family, and sharing it is a celebration in itself.


  1. Bonus points if it’s from The Nutcracker
  2.  I need a cup that borders on a bowl 
  3.  Will take you the whole winter to finish